Amalgamation dan Resetlement Program Pemukiman Penduduk ala Victor H. R. Koroh Di Amarasi-Timor, 1968 – 1975
AMALGAMATION DAN RESETLEMENT PROGRAM PEMUKIMAN PENDUDUK ALA VICTOR H. R. KOROH DI AMARASI-TIMOR, 1968 – 1975 Heronimus Bani [1] Abstrac t This paper discusses the process of transferring traditional villages from the system of zelfbestuur or swapraja to a new system of village organisation in Amarasi (south-west Timor) between 1968 and 1975. In 1968 there were 60 traditional villages in Amarasi when the government began a process of forced village relocation and amalgamation. The government constructed 23 new villages which were organised along a new system of village administration. The population originally resisted this relocation and because of this the government sent officers to destroy their houses and force them to relocate to new areas, known as amalgamated villages. The population did not have the power to resist this relocation and had to re-start their lives in the new villages and built their own houses, churches, roads an...