A Prayer for the Grimes Family

A Prayer for the Grimes Family
by Bible translator Heronimus Bani in the Amarasi language, 15 August 2018

Beta pung do'a
Abar-barat Uisneno, Amo'et-Apakaet
neno-tunan ma pah-pinan.
Au 'baiseun Ho pinam ma kraham,
maski au uhiin ma 'naben au tuak ii ka
ma'upa ma ma'osa' fa.
Mes, au 'pirsai Yesus Kristus
nanaib kau he 'paumaak Ko, tua.
Au 'eik sukur ma makasi. Ho mfee kau
tetus-athoen, hinef ma manoef.
Ho mfee nneis neu Ho aan renu'-aan reka'
sin, bapa Chuck nok nain in uim je nanan,
esan re': in fenai, anah ma aan nanef.
Nok ranan naan sin njarin tuaf ameput
re' nbain-aetn ok anbin Pah Meto' he Ho
Kabin ma Prenat re' nruun ma ntui Je
neik Uab Yunani ma Uab Ibrani nabaint
Ee neu Uab Meto', ma uab bian antein'.
Mes, neno ia, hai mnuuk, Usi'. Tuaf ma
fatuf asenu'-aseka' nbi mepu ia, re'
nmanu-'naak mepu ia nbi kantoor,
naiti tfeka' ma nahake' rasi mtetan.
In nsapar ma napasib Ho anah sin.
Hai msuus ammaet. Hai he maen meu
sekaukah, koi, Uisneno?
Mturun ma mbaab maan kai, tua.
Uisneno. Mfee raan a'po'i meu Ho anah
sin he sin niit ranan naan maski ma'rena'
ma makhapi'.
Maut he Ho mepu nbi banit uab nanaob
on nok arekot ma mamasa' nbi neon
Au 'onen ma 'baiseun Ko, on re' naan, tua.

My prayer
Eternal God, Maker-Creator of
heaven above and earth below.
I worship your glory and majesty,
even though I know and I feel myself to be
unworthy and undeserving.
Yet I believe Jesus Christ
has compelled me to approach You, sir.
I bring gratitude and thanksgiving. You have
given me blessings, wisdom, and abilities.
You have given even more to your servant-slaves,
Father Chuck along with his family, that is: his
esteemed wife, his sons and daughters-in-law.
That is how they became workers who have totally
dedicated themselves in the Dry Land of Timor for
Your Sayings and Commands which, carved and
written in the Greek language and the Hebrew
language, are being translated into Meto languages
and other languages as well.
But today we are distressed, Lord. A person is
changing and replacing them in this work. He is
the leader following behind them in this work in
the office, concocting decisions and basing them
on other unconnected issues.
He has rejected and banished Your children.
We are deeply distressed. Who can we run to?
Show mercy, dear God.
Help and deliver us, sir.
Lord God. Provide a way out for Your children,
enable them to see that path,
even though it may be narrow and overgrown.
May Your work in translating languages continue
to be carried out with excellence and beauty in the
coming days ahead.
My prayer and supplication to You is like that, sir.


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